Guest Post: If Only I Could Speak Dog

 Well folks, after a year of fostering and blogging, we finally get to hear from Foster Dad! I don’t know about you, but I think it was worth the wait. Enjoy! ~Laura

Dear Oscar,

If only I could speak dog, I would wax idiotic to you all day long.  I would tell you just how important you are to me.  I would remind you of the times that you made me laugh.  If only I could speak dog, I would ask if you knew…

…that no matter how tired I am, every time you paw at the covers so that you can lay under them with your back completely stretched along my legs; I smile? 

…that by making room for me to sit next to you on the top step, then leaning on me once I do, I know why you are called man’s best friend?

…that I find the inquisitive nature of your eyes amazing?

…that I’ve never felt more comfortable sleeping uncomfortably; I know you feel the same way when I hear you sighing as you lay your head on my ribs, squished between me and the back of the couch?

…that even though I shouldn’t smoke; I love how you wait with me outside while I do?  I know you’re waiting because you get up and head towards the door as soon as I put out my cigarette.

Do you remember…

…when you first came home from the pound, riddled with a stomach bug, and all you wanted to do was lay on top of, next to, or across the people you had met just an hour ago?

…when Mom and I finally understood what you were trying to say to us when you would move your food from your bowl in front of the window, mouthful by mouthful, across the room to the corner of the carpet before you would eat it?  We moved your bowl there the very next meal.

…when we took you to the lake for the first time, and your water-loving body was submerged and you were free to swim?  I remember that when I picked your front half out of the lake, your paws kept kicking, as if to say “heck, if I can swim in this water stuff, then why not keep going in the air?”

Oscar, I may never be able to tell you how much you mean to me.  So, I can only hope to show you everyday, that it makes me happy to know that no matter how late I’m at work, you would never let anything happen to Mom; that I know how hard you try to please; that you will always and forever be my Friend.  That I’m proud of you, I will Love you Always, and You have changed my life for the better.




Filed under Guest Post, Our Foster Journey

15 responses to “Guest Post: If Only I Could Speak Dog

  1. Great post, Foster Dad. Fantastic. Now I’m crying at work… at least they are happy tears.


  2. Ashley

    Totally agree with Emily…tears at work on a Monday! Oscar is lucky to have such a great dad! I feel the same way about my babies!! 🙂


  3. What a beautiful, heartwarming post. Just lovely and so pleased that Oscar is with you.


  4. Shelley

    OMG…love it! Dave…Dave…Dave…you’re the best…thanks for your perspective….now, you will successfully have women swooning (and who are now saying…Wow….SHE is such a lucky lady, that Laura….)…oh, and Oscar too!!! Little does he know….how blessed he TRULY is!!!
    (thanks for all the puppy pics too )


  5. Sweetest post ever!! I promise everything you are feeling Oscar is feeling it back toward you tenfold!


  6. What a beautiful post! I believe it would touch to the very soul of any pet lover! Thank you for sharing your life with Oscar.


  7. That is so sweet, I need to go and hug my dogs now before I start to cry!


  8. Wonderfully written! I loved the part when you said that you’ve never been so comfortably uncomfortably sleeping. That’s how I sleep every night & wouldn’t change it for the world! For some reason I don’t think you have to speak dog for him to know all that stuff 😀


  9. Laura S

    LOVE! Great job Foster Dad!


  10. Love, love, love each and every word and sentiment. Oscar is a blessed boy indeed! My favorite part of all is ‘Love, Dad’.


  11. Tears! I don’t want to say favorite post, but… it’s close! Amazing, what a lucky boy Oscar is!


  12. Great post! From the pictures it looks like Oscar already knows how much you love him & loves you back just as much. 🙂


  13. Such a fabulous, heartwarming post and if I could speak dog I’m sure I’d be having very similar conversations.


  14. Kirsten

    And another post to make me cry… sheesh lol great post, Dave!!


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