Post-Bath Cooper Crazies

Cooper is such a champ in the bath tub.  He doesn’t love it, but he takes it like a man and let’s us do our thing. 

But when it’s over, this happens:

Happy Friday everyone!

If you’re interested in adding Cooper to your family, please fill out an adoption application with Agape Animal Rescue.

…and don’t forget to VOTE for COOPER!



Filed under Our Foster Journey

18 responses to “Post-Bath Cooper Crazies

  1. I think that the post-bath crazies might be my favorite thing our dogs do… okay, one of many! Cooper is TOO cute here… he looks just like a little pup! Thanks for sharing.


  2. Cooper is so cute! And, his post bath crazies at least don’t get him injured, Dottie likes to bang her head into furniture and has even somersaulted over furniture.


  3. Great video! He looks like he’s having a blast. Coincidentally, post-bath mega-zoomies are why Badger doesn’t get bathed as often as he should. Smelly beast.


  4. I wish my dogs got that excited after their baths! They hate it so I give them the good treats after and they just run to the treat drawer to await their reward:)


  5. Shelley

    I love it…i always call it “Hell Dog” when mine got beserk…running from one room to the next…on the couch…off the couch…grab a toy…buzz another dog…back to the couch…etc. 🙂 Love it


  6. He’s doing the final drying stage! I love it! Adorable as always (and super cute house!).


  7. Ha! I love how it always makes the dogs so crazy! Miss M used to be like that…luckily she aged!


  8. Oh my, what a sweet boy! He’s just celebrating the joy of being squeaky clean!


  9. I love the zoomies-then-sudden-stop-to-look-around-for-a-second-then-right-back-into-zoomies! Post bath zoomies are my favorite!


  10. Pingback: Oscar Lets Loose | A Heartbeat at My Feet

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