Friday Fun: Caption This

I thought I’d have a little fun today and share one my favorite pictures of Oscar.  This is pre-foster era, during his “mischievous” phase.  To this day every time I see this picture, I can’t help but giggle. 

I know what my caption says (and what I said when I walked in on this surprise!), now it’s your turn.  What do you think Oscar is saying?  Share your thoughts in the comments below, and I’ll share my favorite on Monday on our Facebook page.

Happy Weekend!



Filed under Our Foster Journey

15 responses to “Friday Fun: Caption This

  1. Dis place kinda blah, so ah redekorate for you. You like?


  2. Been there and done that so many time on “home redecorating”. Look at Oscar’s color, it’s changed some? And he so wittle!!


  3. Forget making it rain, I’m making it SNOW!


  4. Teresa

    Aww crap I’m caught!


  5. Don’t worry! I’ll clean it all up!


  6. The Perfectly Imperfect One

    I got the mouse.


  7. “She doesn’t know it yet but one day she’ll foster and she’ll very much appreciate me schooling her on how to have patience and to forgive. I’m doing this for you, mom.”


  8. Shelley

    “Look mom, look at all this stuff I found in the couch!!!”


  9. Oh – you are back already? Hold on a minute I’m almost done.


  10. Gayle

    I saw who did it! But he got away.


  11. Pingback: Friday Fun: Caption This! | A Heartbeat at My Feet

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