Dog Park Princess

The weather: Clear.  Sunny.  Brisk.

The dogs: Bouncing off the walls.

Me:  Day off from work.

The house: A total freakin’ mess. 

Sounds like a perfect day for Kaylee’s first trip to the dog park!  We got there early, and on a “cold” (by Nashville standards) day, there wasn’t another soul around.  No worries, Oscar & Kaylee had plenty of fun, just the two of them. 

To adopt the Dog Park Princess, contact Agape Animal Rescue.


Filed under Our Foster Journey

5 responses to “Dog Park Princess

  1. Such a pretty girl!


  2. Pingback: Dog Park Princess Strikes Again | A Heartbeat at My Feet

  3. Pingback: Fostering 101: What is Fostering, Anyway? | A Heartbeat at My Feet

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